If you have a question for a state agency, but you are not sure which one to contact, please call the State Agency Directory Operator at (785) 296-0111, or try using the State Phone Directory.
If you have a question about the State Website or any of our services, please contact:
Phone: (785) 296-5059 or (800) 452-6727
Send us an e-mail at: ks-helpcenter@tylertech.com
Live Support
We strive to return all Help Center calls the same day.
If you call during normal business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST), you will reach a voice directory that will assist you. All personnel have voice mail. If they are unavailable at the time of your call, please leave a message and the individual will call you back as soon as possible. If you call during non-business hours, please leave a message.
KanAccess is a tool designed to provide users with the ability to use one set of credentials to access any number of eGovernment services in Kansas.
How do I link KanAccess with my Kansas.gov Subscriber Account?
Most applications using KanAccess will have a “Start” or “Begin” button on the front page.
You will need KanAccess credentials and a Kansas.gov Subscriber Account to complete the following:
If your password needs to be reset click Reset Password
Kansas.gov officially supports browsers that are used by over 5% of the visitors to our site in the previous quarter. At this point, we support Internet Explorer 11, and the most current versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.
You can view and delete your browsing history in any of the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
You can additionally manage cookies in any of the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
You can make the text (and layout) larger with ctrl +. You can make the text (and layout) smaller with ctrl -. And you can reset to 100% (default/normal size) with ctrl 0. Mac Users should use the Command (⌘) key rather than ctrl in each of those cases.
if you cannot find the answer below, please message us
534 S. Kansas Ave., Ste 925
Topeka, KS 66603
© Kansas.gov - Portal Policies